How you can help

In order to  perform our work with youth and to develop international cooperation we need funds.
We have a good program, we have the know-how, and we have a professional team consisting of people who have chosen working for youth as their life mission.

If you are in a position to help, it will be highly appreciated. Every 10 Euro means one more adolescent participating in the Archipelago of Treasures Programme - a chance that can change their life.

You will find the account number below. The full name of our Institute is: the Institute for Integrated Prevention Foundation, because in formal terms we are a foundation (an NGO).

As the transfer title please indicate:  „For the statutory purposes of the Foundation”

ul. Ogrodowa 8

05-230 Kobyłka

IBAN number: PL 75 1050 1012 1000 0090 8017 2746 (EUR account)
IBAN number: PL 62 1050 1012 1000 0090 3013 8052 (PLN account)


Thank you for your donation!

dr Szymon Grzelak, President of the Institute for Integrated Prevention,
author of the Archipelago of Treasures Programme